Sunday, August 14, 2016

When it rains....

You know the saying, when it rains it pours....

I don't like how true it is. I mean, it's cliche' as fuuuuuuuu, but it does seem to happen that way.
I can't help to think that maybe it's the mindset that we, as people, get into when things start to go wrong in our lives. Kind of like that, what you put out into the universe, comes back to you tenfold, it's like that. We think that because one thing went wrong, everything is going to go wrong, and we kind of will it to happen because we are looking for everything to go wrong.

All I know is right now, I'm unhappy. More than I have been in a long time. I need to get my happy back, and I'm not sure what to do to get it there, but I will get there...if it kills me. Ok, that's extreme, I don't want to die...the MS is already got that on lock, bastard autoimmune disease from hell.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Insomnia and Migraines, What a Twisted Web They Weave

Do you ever randomly think about things that have nothing to do with anything you're doing, they just kinda happen? 

Kinda like in *Empire Records...."who knows where thoughts come from, they just appear".-Lucas

Like today, my thoughts.....why do they make mascara tubes so big if you're supposed to throw them away every 3 months?

I think my brain is broken.

*if you haven't seen Empire Records, you're doing something wrong with your life. Handle that shit, immediately.